Monday, May 23, 2016

Advanced Graphics: Design Principles

Assignment: Design a poster series of 4 16x20 inch vertical posters that relay the understanding of each design principle (a student cheat sheet)

Check out this Slide Show: Understanding Graphic Design

and Read this Blog Article: 10 Tips for the Perfect Poster

Design Principles

Proximity-Items relating to each other should be grouped close together to promote visual unity

Alignment-Every item should have a visual connection with something else on the page

Contrast-Unique elements in a design should stand apart from one another such as color, tone, size and more

Repetition-Repeat some aspect of the design throughout the entire piece to establish a style 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Photo 2: Weaved Photography

Objective: Use originally imagery that you have taken to create a fine art weaved photograph

Assignment: Using images from your Photo Challenges. Choose two that you can weave together. You may add in interesting elements or keep it as photographs only. You may also take one photo and change it to color vs. black and white before weaving. Some ideas are below, although as always I would love to see some creative changes and ideas for your own projects.



Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Graphics 1: Typographic Portrait

5/12 Substitute Plans

Class Assignment: Watch a video and create and save several word clouds to use to make your own typographic portrait for you next project

Step 1: Watch this You Tube Video

Photoshop: Transform a Face into a Powerful Text Portrait

Step 2: Decide on a celebrity or person to create a typographic portrait and either type up or copy and paste words into a document to be used for your word clouds

Hint: You may use song lyrics, movie titles, sports terminology, etc.

Step 3: Go to and follow the directions below to create and save a bubble (Make 3 or 4!)

Step by Step Directions:

  1. Go to (wordle does not work so you must use this site)
  2. Click on File -> Paste/Type text,
  3. Paste or type in the text that fits your chosen person into the box and click APPLY
  4. Click on Shape -> and select the second black rectangle in the first row -> click CLOSE
  5. Click on the third icon (looks like a refresh button) for direction of words -> click on the third box labeled horizontal and vertical -> click CLOSE
  6. Click Colors -> Background Color -> Choose Black in the color gradient box -> click APPLY
  7. Click Colors -> Cloud Colors -> Make sure all colors are set to as white as possible -> click APPLY
  8. Click Font -> Choose a font that is not too decorative (plain is better)
  9. Right click word bubble and Save image as -> name your file and save it under your name in your graphics folder

*All word bubbles should be white text on a black background unless you would like to try a bright color like pink or blue (fluorescent almost) and saved to your file so that you may access them in the graphics lab

*Save to your google drive if you cannot save to your graphics folder

*help other students if they having trouble

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Photo 1: Shadow Puppets

Shadow Puppets

EU: As a photographer it is important to sometimes build and design your own subject for a photo shoot in order to practice lighting and composition

EQ: How can you match your subject and background in order to push the concept or theme within your photography

Assignment: Build a shadow puppet using black card stock and a wooden dowel and photograph it against a plain as well as a background to suit your subject matter. 30 pics to a contact sheet and one of each background edited and posted to the blog with a short reflection. (Hint: Adding in some detail will help to grab the viewer)

Student Sample: Baillie Power

Internet Sample

Monday, May 2, 2016

Advanced Photo

Spring Photo Challenge

Objective: To strengthen and build on creative skills as well as Photoshop techniques
Assignment: Under 3 Blog Entries (10) Each, upload one edited image labeled with each photo challenge name. You will be required to use these Photos to learn some new skills. They will also be used in the Final Exam. Be Creative in you can interpret them!!!!
  1. Set up your 3 Blog Posts entitled “Photo Challenge:1-10, Photo Challenge 11-20, and Photo Challenge 21-30
  2. Brainstorm ideas for each challenge on paper.
  3. Add in a new edited photo every time you fulfill a challenge with the title above or below it. Edit the blog posts to add in more day to day.

  1. Black and White
  2. After Dark
  3. Childhood Memory
  4. Obsession
  5. Cannot Live Without
  6. Something Blue
  7. A Good Habit
  8. Technology
  9. Patterns

  1. Strangers
  2. Close-up
  3. Bottle It Up
  4. A little Foolishness
  5. I Made This!
  6. Looking Down
  7. Something Green
  8. Looking Up
  9. Blooming
  10. Colorful
  11. Furry Friend

  1. Worn
  2. Rain Showers
  3. Lights
  4. In Motion
  5. In Your Hand
  6. Beauty
  7. Low Angle
  8. Wheels
  9. Group
  10. Water

Graphics 1: Vector Portrait

Unit: Digital Illustration
Assignment: Design a vector portrait of yourself or a friend/family member

  1. To strengthen your illustration and pen tool skills in Illustrator
  2. To make decisions on how to break up value and simplify using a photograph
  3. To capture personality in a design