Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Still Life

Unit: Photoshop Basics

EU: Photographers are constantly learning new things whether it be styles or software.

EQ: What are some new tools that I can learn to enhance my photo editing skills?

Assignment Steps:
  1. Using the white still life set up in the art room as your subject, take at least 30 shots at varying angles and viewpoints. Be sure to work up close and from further out. Watch your backgrounds! 
  2. Print a contact sheet and pass in 
  3. 3 Edited images to the blog will be labeled with the titles below and show the use of blur, clone stamp and/or healing brush, blend modes, and color adjustments
    • Black and White
    • Sepia Tone
    • Color Balance
  4. Post all three titled image to the blog under "Still Life" and write a short reflection on your process

Click here Student Example

Friday, September 16, 2016

Alphabet Scavenger Hunt

EU: A photographer captures strong photographs by learning to see things differently. The viewpoint, the light, etc all have an impact on the photos that you take and the ability to see a photo opportunity that you maybe wouldn't recognize before. 

EQ: How can you look at an every day object or scene in a different light?

Assignment: Everyday objects contain shapes that mimic the letters of the alphabet. I want you to capture all 26 letters of the alphabet starting with a class scavenger hunt and finishing up over the weekend. All images should be ready to go by the start of next week for editing and posting to your blog. 

1. Get outside and start taking images of objects that resemble letters. Go in close or crop later!
2. Get as many as you can during class but finish for homework so that you have more photo opportunities. You may not use real letterforms!
3. Print and pass in a contact sheet of 26+ images and label each letter on the CS for me so that I know you have found them all. 
4. Choose 3 words to spell over 4 letters each
5. Design 3 separate Photoshop documents with each letter filling a 4x6 vertical frame (size of document depends on  your words)
6. Drop in each letter and edit to achieve your desired result. Contrast is a must here in order for the letter to stand out! Think light vs. dark. 
7. Save all as JPEG's and upload to blog with a short reflection on the assignment. 

Friday, September 9, 2016


EU: Textures can be overlayed with your photographs in order to create a unique effect
EQ: What kind of textures can you capture to enhance your photography?

Assignment: Textures are available over the internet but it would great to start your own file that you can pull from when necessary. Your file can showcase an array of different types of textures from grunge, to sand, to fabric, etc. 

  1. Get outside and wander to discover and shoot all sorts of textures 
  2. Use the macro lens if desired to get up close on fabrics and more
  3. Turn in a contact sheet with 60 images (mostly different-not ten of the same thing)
  4. Edit at least 20 of your favorites which show a strong variety
  5. Create a folder named "textures" to store them in 
  6. Create a new contact sheet with your edited 20 and post the contact sheet to the blog
  7. Practice overlaying two of your textures with some old or new photographs (use blend modes and layer masks to hide and show what you want) and post to the blog with a short paragraph reflection on your final results

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Shoes Assignment (Pre-Assessment):

EU: All students come to a new class with a certain skill level already in place.
EQ: What is your Photoraphy skill level?

Photo Rubric


  1. Take 30 images of shoes concentration on composition, light, and creativity
  2. Download images to your computer and print a contact sheet to hand in to Mrs. Donovan
  3. After learning some basic editing techniques in Photoshop, choose 3/4 of your strongest images and edit them
  4. Upload your image to your blog in a new post entitled "shoes"
  5. For each image answer the following questions and post to blog when finished.
  • How did you approach the composition?
  • What type of light did you use? 
  • Why do you think the photograph is successful?