Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Still Life

Unit: Photoshop Basics

EU: Photographers are constantly learning new things whether it be styles or software.

EQ: What are some new tools that I can learn to enhance my photo editing skills?

Assignment Steps:
  1. Using the white still life set up in the art room as your subject, take at least 30 shots at varying angles and viewpoints. Be sure to work up close and from further out. Watch your backgrounds! 
  2. Print a contact sheet and pass in 
  3. 3 Edited images to the blog will be labeled with the titles below and show the use of blur, clone stamp and/or healing brush, blend modes, and color adjustments
    • Black and White
    • Sepia Tone
    • Color Balance
  4. Post all three titled image to the blog under "Still Life" and write a short reflection on your process

Click here Student Example

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