EU: Digital Photography allows the artist to manipulate photographs to achieve desired effects.
EQ: How and why do you use selections in Photoshop when working with your photographs?
- 1.9 Demonstrate the ability to create 2D and 3D works that show knowledge of unique characteristics of particular media, materials, and tools
- 1.10 Use electronic technology for reference and for creating original work
- 2 Describe and apply procedures to ensure safety and proper maintenance of the workspace, materials, and tools
- 4.4 Produce work that shows an understanding of the concept of craftsmanship
- 4.12 Choose and prepare artwork for exhibition, and be able to discuss their choices
Unit: Selections
- To continue working with selections in Photoshop
- To exhibit images
You will get 4 grades for this assignment
- Contact Sheet 45+ images
- Edited book images
- Book Craftsmanship
- Book Cover and Title Design
Rubric Criteria
- Craftsmanship
- Software
- Imagery (composition/light)
- Reflection
To start:
- Choose a theme and take 45+ images focusing on variation of that theme (close up vs distance, etc)
- Print a contact sheet and turn in (graded)
- Choose and edit pictures
Document set up/triangle selections:
- Start a new Photoshop document entitled "Explosion Book" at 8x8 inches 300 pixels/inch, RGB
- Set up guides by choosing view -> rulers (richt click in ruler to makes sure at inches)
- Pull out a guide from each ruler to the 4 inch mark horizontally and vertically to create 4 squares
- Start 3 groups with the folder icon in the layers palette
- Label groups page 1, page 2, page 3
- Start with page 1
- in upper right corner use the polygonal lasso tool (3rd tool down under the lasso)(hold shift the entire time) to click out a triangle in the upper left section
- Save selection by going to the select menu at the top toolbar and choosing save selection
- Name the selection "left triangle"
- Repeat steps 7-9 and make a triangle in the right section of the upper right corner square and save selection as "right triangle"
Image Placement:
- open images that you would like to use and start to drag and drop them into page 1
- Resize by holding CTRL + T and holding shift
- use the rectangular marquee selection tool (2nd tool) to drag out selections of your squares and to get rid of the outside pieces go to the select menu at the top toolbar select -> inverse, press delete on keyboard
- for the triangle images, place the images where you would want them, go to select -> load selection and choose either the right or left triangle and delete the exterior again using select -> inverse
- Edit as you go (choices are your own to fit your theme)
- Remember-*Page 2 does not need the squares filled in the upper left and lower right squares...only the 4 triangle pieces