Friday, February 3, 2017

Texture Overlay Directions

Follow these instructions for a texture over your geometric photograph


Download and Save Textures
  1. Click on this link: Spoon Graphics 9 Free High Resolution Grain Textures
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click on "Download the free grain textures"
  3. Click on the download and click on "Open when done"
  4. Once it opens, click on the folder marked "9 Free Grain Textures"
  5. Click on the JPEG subfolder
  6. Create a new folder in you photography folder named "Grain Textures"
  7. Select all of the grain images by clicking on the first one, hold shift, click on the last
  8. Drag and drop them into your new "Grain Textures" folder so you can view the JPEGS (you cannot see them under the download folder)
Applying Texture to Photo
  1. Choose one to open in Photoshop and bring into your Geometric Photo document
  2. Put that layer on top and set the blend mode to screen
  3. If it is too busy try another, If not enough you can copy the layer and flip it over by Ctrl + T to spin and set that copy to screen as well
  4. You may add another texture if desired but don't use a normal photograph
Saving your Photo
  1. Save as both a JPEG for you blog and the PSD (Photoshop) file for me in case I would like to print it larger for the art show. 

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