Monday, March 27, 2017

Photoshop Portraits

Unit: Advanced Photoshop Skills

EU: Photoshop can be used to manipulate images to create interesting imagery

EQ: What new Photoshop/Selection techniques can you learn and use to develop an interesting visual layout?

Assignment: Using one of the three retouched portraits that you created, create two Photoshopped versions of your image using two of the tutorials below.

Objective: To learn some advanced Photoshop skills to apply to your photograph


  1. Click on some of the links below in order to see how the portraits were photoshopped. 
  2. Choose 2 that you would like to try and apply the steps to your favorite portrait from the retouching project (if you do not like any for this assignment you will need to take another image and retouch it again before starting)
  3. Upload two finished portraits to blog with reflection of new tools that you learned

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