Thursday, November 10, 2016

Peer Feedback

EU: Critical Response, critiquing your own work and the work of your peers is a Massachusetts Visual art standard

EQ: How can I provide constructive criticism to my peers appropriately and how can I then apply that criticism to analyze my own work?

Assignment: Now that you have analyzed and thought about reflections and where you fall on the rubric I want you to take a look at your work in regard to.....
  1. composition
  2. lighting
  3. editing techniques
  4. creative thought
  5. effort
  1. Start a blog post entitled "Critique" 
  2. Look at your work from term 1 
  3. Copy and Paste the questions below to answer in your blog post (remember the reflection work we did yesterday)
  4. Lastly, explore all of the work of your peers in the class. Choose at least 3 to critique. Elaborate on your thoughts. Do not write "This is cool, I like it." Write something thoughtful to help them like "This is a great idea, and I love how made the decision to ____________ because it really draws the viewer's eye. I think that if you pushed the subject over to the left a bit more and left more negative space on the right it would make for a stronger composition."
  • Are your composition choices strong for most of your projects? Explain.
  • Did you use or have good light in most of your projects? Explain. 
  • Did you use your software effectively for each project?
  • Did you approach most of you projects creatively and use original ideas when shooting subjects and subject matter? 
  • Did you leave yourself enough time to accomplish the ideas that you wanted to accomplish? 
If you answered yes to all or most of the questions, now tell me in a short paragraph how you could push yourself to a higher level and let me know what you might like to work on. For example, do you want to explore software more, would you rather focus on the cameras and functions, etc.?

If you answered no to all or most of the questions, now tell me in a short paragraph where your weaknesses are. How can you move forward this term and push yourself to become a stronger photographer? What do you know you need to work on?

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