Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reflection Rubric

EU: "Read, Write, and Communicate effectively and clearly" is one of the 21st century learning expectations at BHS

EQ: How can I make my writing stronger and use it to inform my audience of my intentions and learning in Photography

Reflection Rubric: Below is a rubric that has been designed to help make your reflections stronger. As we move into Term 2, my expectation for all students is that all reflections for posted assignments reach a proficient or advanced level.

Grammar usage

Creative approach

Software use/editing


Student thoroughly explains creative idea and approach to assignment. New technical tools and editing choices are explained. Student discusses struggles and successes. Proper grammar usage.
Student mostly explains creative approach, successes/struggles, and technical software choices and tools uses. Proper grammar is used. Reflection could be elaborated upon.
Student has only reflected upon some areas of the assignment. One piece is missing. Grammar could be improved.
Student has not reflected at all or has reflected inappropriately without touching upon software use and choices, struggles/successes, and creative approach. Proper grammar is not addressed.

  1. Read through each example below and decide which stage the reflection is at. Is it developing? Is it Proficient? etc. 
  2. Comment on my blog post and decide where each example falls? Number each decision 1-6 and elaborate on why you think it fits that stage?
  3. Start a blog post entitled "reflections" on your own page
  4. Copy and paste the reflection rubric in to your blog post to refer to
  5. Look at all of your reflections for assignments posted in Term 1 and choose which stage you think that you fall into. Did you hit all of the above points in the rubric when writing about your work? Could your reflections successfully explain to someone not taking the course what you did to get your result?
  6. Through writing, tell me which stage you decided on, why you think you hit this stage citing the 4 criteria, and if you fall lower than advanced (which is most likely the case) tell me how you can get stronger as we move on. 

Reflection Examples:

For this photo I adjusted my levels to get a more vibrant color. I love how the green slowly exits the photo and fades into the pink. The macro ability makes it unable to know what the photo is of. The detailed pedal also adds to the photo.

for this picture i put it in black and white



For the aesthetics project, I just only used "levels" in order to edit my photos. This was a very simple and fun project besides trying to find the right photo to use for the original.

this is my explosion book the first thing i had to do was to take the pictures, edit them then make the book , after that i taped the pictures down  and folded it up  and then make book covers for the book .


I struggled in my creativity on this project but eventually after playing around with a few things, I came up with an idea. I first took pictures of newspaper then crumpled the newspaper up as a dancer's tutu. The next idea was crayons and then I melted the crayons to make the colorful streaks of wax that turns the paper into art. After I pushed through my creative block, the project was fun to do.

this is my self portrait and i adjusted the levels 


  1. 1) Developing

  2. 1) Developing

  3. The first photo I give a 5. I think this because its a good reflection but it doesn't tell what the project was. The second one I Give a 0 because it doesn't have enough information. I give the third one a 6 because there's not much more you could say. I give the fourth one a 3 because nothing is capitalized and the punctuation is incorrect. I give the fifth one a 5 because its good but you didn't say how you took the picture just how you made it. then the last one I give a 1 because you told what it was and what you did, just didn't explain it.

  4. 1) Proficient, looks like the picture had more editing and the reflection only talks about the levels. Needs more explanation on the idea or goal for the photo.
    2) Emerging, says nothing about how the picture was taken and why they put it in black in white the grammar is also bad.
    3) Proficient, it reflects on the project and the editing but doesn't say the goal or the composition in the photos.
    4) Developing, it says how the photo was taken and the steps to get there but says nothing about the editing of the photo or how it was taken
    5) Advanced, it clearly says the idea for the photo and the reflection on the project and what the photographer liked/disliked about it.
    6) Emerging, says nothing about the goal for the photo or thoughts about the project and why they edited the levels

  5. Proficient-because she really doesn’t talk about successes/struggles
    Emerging-Poor grammar and does not tell us much at all
    proficient - because it gives detail to what they did but didn't talk about successes/struggles
    developing-Spelling did not explain the photo
    Advanced- they give very good detail about what they did and the successes and struggles
    emerging-No picture for example and gave on explanation for what they did and no example of success

  6. Proficient-because she really doesn’t talk about successes/struggles
    Emerging-Poor grammar and does not tell us much at all
    proficient - because it gives detail to what they did but didn't talk about successes/struggles
    Developing- Poor Spelling did not explain the photo
    Advanced- they gave very good detail about what they did and the successes and struggles
    emerging-No picture No grade

  7. 1) Is proficient because she touches on most of the thing the rubric tell you to but the photographer does not tell the reader what their struggles where.
    2)Is emerging because there is bad grammar and the writer does not show his struggles and the writer barley tells what he did to the photo.
    3)Is a good example of developing because there is some bad grammar the writer tells some details about the photo and what they used to edit it. She also does not tell us much about how she made the collage.
    4)Is emerging because there is bad grammar they did not tell the process and what she did with the the editing.
    5) Is advanced because the grammar is great how she/he told us how she/he edited the photo. She/he tells the reader what her/his struggles were.
    6)Is emerging the grammar is bad and the writer does not give us enough detail the writer also does not tel,l us their struggles and it is lacking detail. The writer also does not tell us in enough detail what they did to the photo.

  8. 1. Proficient, because they describe what is happening in the photo and what they like about it. They could go more in-depth about how they edited the picture and what the picture is.
    2. Emerging, because they first of all don't even have a picture, they use terrible grammar, and they don't talk about taking the photo or editing it.
    3 Proficient because they don't give much detail into how and what they edited, they just talk about how they liked the project and thought it was easy.
    4.Devolping, because they use terrible grammar and don't tell how the photo was edited, it does talk about taking the pictures but not how they changed the actual picture.
    5.Advanced , because they tell you all the steps and what they did to the picture, they also share their honest opinions about the project saying they struggled with creativity during this project.
    6.Emerging, because they don't have a picture and use terrible grammar just like the 2 entry.

  9. 1. Proficient-doesn’t tell us about successes and struggles but the rest is fine
    2. Emerging-grammar is terrible and doesn’t tell us much
    3. Developing-She doesn’t tell us much about her creative approach and some software or editing techniques
    4. Emerging- poor grammar and lack of terminology
    5. Advanced- the person touched on all the points in the rubric which makes them advanced
    6. Emerging- poor grammar, no proper terms, no creativity, and doesn't talk about success

  10. 1.proficient- they didn’t talk about what was easy and what was hard for her
    2.emerging- horrible grammar and didn’t say what they were doing
    3.developing- doesn’t say much about software
    4.emerging-terrible grammar
    5.advanced- they touched on everything and explained what they did
    6.emerging- poor grammar and doesn’t talk about the project enough

  11. 1)proficient because the photographer didn't explain their editing enough but the rest is good because they told what the photo was of and what they liked about it
    2)emerging because there's nothing about the picture besides that it's black and white
    3)advanced they said what they did and what they thought about the project
    4)developing they weren't very clear and they didn't say what they thought of it
    5)advanced its clear about what they did and how they felt
    6) it doesn't tell enough about the picture or their thoughts on the project

  12. 1)proficient
    This is proficient because it shows what they did but, it didn't say how they did on the project or if they enjoyed it.
    This picture caption is very undetailed and vast
    This caption for this picture completely matches this picture collage and uses great detail in the explanation
    This picture is kinda explained but poorly worded
    this picture has a good matching caption with good grammar
    Not a good picture or caption

  13. 1)Proficient
    It is proficient because it was explained but they didnt fully explain what they did.
    They did explained the portrait poorly.
    The picture is not as detailed as it could be.They could have explained it better.
    It was advanced because they explained what they did in detail.
    It is developing because it was not explained too well and they did not word it well.
    It is advanced because they explained everything they did in detail.
