EU: Learning to see light and use it in your photographs is an important skill that will make your photographs stronger
EQ: How can you use light and shadow to create a stronger image?
New Camera Function: I want you to work in Aperture mode for this assignment. When shooting an object this will help to get either a clear or softly blurred background.
A Simple Exercise to help you learn to See Light
Homework for the week: Take 5 photographs of an egg to edit and post on your blog this week. (For our purposes, you may move the egg around or shoot at different times of day)
In class assignment: Cut Paper with Light and Shadow
Objective: to create a subject using cut paper to capture light and shadow in photography
Timeline: 5 classes (3 to brainstorm and build, 1 to shoot, 1 to edit and blog)
- Use the sample images below to help you start thinking creatively. We can use the light tents to shoot for this project which will simulate better lighting conditions using diffused light for your subject matter. (Hint: the designs below are somewhat elaborate because I would like you to push yours to be elaborate as well)
- Brainstorm and think about how you would like to use cut paper to shoot your images
- You will have to draw for this assignment, this may be challenging for many of you so it may be good to develop a pattern versus an image.
- Start cutting using only white paper, Exacto knives and scissors being careful not to rip or tear your paper (tip: if you get it dirty in areas you can Photoshop it out but try your best to keep it clean)
- If you have a very creative idea beyond the white paper and cutting you may ask me if it is okay to pursue it (creativity is good but I want your main goal to really be focusing on the light and shadow in the final images)
- Shoot your finished piece using light to your advantage (use phones as flashlights, diffused spotlights, windows, etc for light sources)
- Print a contact sheet of 30 images.
- Edit and post your 1 or 2 of your strongest images with a reflection